在当代社会,大学生实习与校园招聘成为了青年学子ences upon the rapid expansion of the internet, online job platforms such as "Intern Monk" have emerged as vital channels for college students. As a platform specifically catering to the internship and recruitment needs of students, "Intern Monk" has garnered substantial attention and usage. This paper aims to delve into the application of the "Intern Monk" platform in the realms of college internship and campus recruitment job seekers. We seek to explore its role and impact within the student job hunting process.
Keywords: Intern Monk; College Students' Internship; Campus Recruitment; Employment Fair
I. Preface
The burgeoning of internet technology has transformed online job platforms into a primary gateway for college students job seekers. As "Intern Monk," a platform dedicated to internships and campus recruitment, has become a preferred destination for students to seek opportunities, this article analyzes its role and influence in enhancing the student